Portable, without electricity, the Aram Espresso Maker makes a genuine and delicious espresso with all the control of high-level professional machines at hand.
Pressure from 0 to 15 bars can be produced to extract the full potential of the coffee beans.
The speed applied by turning the handle controls the water pressure, providing a totally exclusive and personalized coffee, allowing even the most demanding users to explore all the nuances of beans.
The new pressure gauge comes in handy to make visible the water pressure inside the coffee maker, allowing to choose how much pressure to get and still be able to repeat the recipe.
Also there is full control over the pre-infusion time, the time of contact between the water and the ground coffee before the start of applying pressure for more flavor profiles.
The double basket that comes with the coffee maker allows the usage of 16 to 24 grams of ground coffee per dose, giving full freedom of creating shots from a ristretto to a double espresso, or simulating other preparations, such as French, Italian press and even filter coffee.
The simple and timeless design is perfect to be the highlight in any home kitchen but also to prepare coffee anywhere on the go removing the coffee maker from the support.
No electricity, no paper filters or capsules. The only residue that Aram creates is the coffee puck which can be returned directly to the arms of nature.
Aram Espresso Makers are made in Brazil by a chain of local craftsmen with many handmade parts in a process of high quality standards and precision, with attention for the environment and fair compensation of suppliers and workers. This caring manufacturing process with the best quality materials ensures a product made to last many years without loosing quality.
- materials: -Coffee Maker: 304 stainless steel, noble wood, Iglidur® polymer from Germany, powder coat and gaskets in EPDM food grade; -Steel Support: 1020 STEEL galvanized with powder coat
- sizes: ARAM® ESPRESSO MAKER + SUPPORT: high - 317 MM; widht - 170 MM; depth- 220 MM. Weight - 4,06 KG
- Weight coffee maker: 880gr.
- 1 Aram Espresso Maker
- 1 Steel Support
- 1 Shot Glass
- 1 Tamper
- 1 Double filter basket 53 mm
- 1 Naked Portafilter
- 1 Tool Driver supporter
- 1 Funnel